Press Releases

ACE Refrigeration shares in Scottish Food Industry Success
ACE Refrigeration has shared in the recent success of the Scottish Food Industry after completing another energy efficiency project with one of the UK’s largest egg producers. The family firm secured the deal with Glenrath Farms who produce and pack more than 1.4million eggs each day at their production facility in Peebles. Food processing experts ACE Refrigeration were tasked with the installation of two systems inside a new Chill Room within their new liquid egg facility, as well as replacing equipment in a small Chill Room in the main factory. Download
Energy Efficiency comes first for dairy company
First Milk, the UK’s most innovative dairy company, has just completed a new energy efficiency project at their Cowdenbeath site. Food processing experts ACE Refrigeration were tasked with replacing less efficient equipment that was no longer working to full capacity in the Dairy’s Main Chill area. The design department at ACE met the challenge to provide a cost effective replacement refrigeration system which also gave consideration to external noise restrictions. Download
ACE reaps the benefit of pâté producer expansion
The booming Scottish food industry has been buoyed once again with Castle MacLellan expanding its pâté processing plant at Kirkcudbright, handing the refrigeration contract to ACE Refrigeration.The family firm, established in Glasgow in 1951, is responsible for the design and installation of two blast chills, meat chill, vegetable chill, two new dairy chills, a blast topping chill room, a new topping blast freezer, defrost room, a freezer room and a chill store as well as prep holding chill, temperature controlled holding room and an alcohol store. Download
ACE Refrigeration wins national prisons contract
ACE Refrigeration has been awarded a three year service and maintenance contract with the Scottish Prison Service. The family firm, which was established in Glasgow in 1951, will provide both preventative and reactive service and maintenance for both air conditioning and refrigeration. The new contract covers 13 prisons and three other sites throughout the country and will run for three years with an option to extend the contract for a further two years. Download
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